eMERGE dbGaP Update
The Coordinating Center is pleased to announce that the QC process for the eMERGE II merged set dbGap submission is now complete. The study, titled “eMERGE Network Imputed GWAS for 41 Phenotypes” is now accessible via the dbGap site (with a 1 year embargo time). External users may apply for subject-level data for the entire eMERGE II cohort, which includes 55,029 participants. Included in the set are the imputed, merged II data file, demographics for the cohort, case/control status for all 41 Network phenotypes, plus study level data as provided by primary sites.
The study accession number is phs000888.v1.p1. The study can be viewed on dbGap here.
*As a reminder, all eMERGE-specific dbGaP studies are listed here on the eMERGE website.